Our husbandry recommendations
Alpacas are grazing animals. They come from areas with poor food supply and their digestion and metabolism are naturally set up in such a way that they thrive on nutrient-poor but roughage-rich food. In our latitudes they belong to the roughage-consuming farm animals. When feeding New World camelids, it must be taken into account that we tend to have an oversupply of nutrients (especially proteins) for these animals.
In the vegetation-rich period (spring, summer, autumn), alpacas have to be supplied with hay that is rich in roughage but low in nutrients in addition to the grass. You should always have access to fresh, clean water. Sufficient mineral salts in the form of a lick stone or powder should also always be available to keep the body functions healthy. Otherwise, the sturdy and tough Andean animals are not very expensive to look after.

Barn equipment
Alpacas are herd animals with a pronounced social behavior. They are used to extreme climatic conditions such as cold, wind, rain, snow and extreme sunlight. Nevertheless, they need certain minimal protective equipment with us, such as a shelter or an open stable. It is important to design all facilities so that every animal has unrestricted access to feeding places, watering points and mineral salts around the clock.
Well-planned and appropriately executed facilities prove themselves in the long run and bring joy for people and animals. It is our goal to maintain this joy in the alpacas and their keeping over the long term.

Alpaca fiber
The alpaca fiber is very popular in the textile industry around the world. Along with cashmere and silk, the fiber is one of the finest natural fibers. Softness, delicacy and an indescribable sheen have made them so coveted. Today we find more than 22 natural colors of alpaca fiber. The play of colors ranges from a deep black, brown, gray or pink-gray to pure white. The positive trend of the past few years on the part of the textile industry and consumers to obtain natural and undyed fibers has further promoted the breeding of monochrome animals. Alpaca fiber also has unique thermal properties. The fiber, which is hollow on the inside, stores body heat better than any other fiber when it is cold.
The alpaca fiber has a high degree of elasticity and resistance. The fiber is particularly dirt and odor repellent. It does not felt as strongly as cashmere or other natural fibers. Therefore, products made from alpaca are known for their durability and durability. The fiber absorbs very little moisture, which means that the garment retains its original characteristics. Alpaca fiber is much more durable than other fine fibers and cleans itself thanks to its unique fiber surface. Only coarse dirt has to be washed out. They do not burn, do not contain lanolin and are therefore considered anti-allergic.
In their homeland, foals are called Crias, the mares Hembras and the stallions Machos. And this is how the “macho stallions” behave now and then. These terms come from the Spanish language.
Crias, i.e. foals, are born annually. A mare is about 11.5 months old and usually only gets one cria at a time. Newborns weigh approximately 8 kg. The rearing rate in our latitudes is around 90%. In the countries of origin in South America only by 33%. A short time after the birth, the newborn foal is already walking and suckling with the mother. The birth takes place in daylight, usually in the morning under the protection of the herd, so that the foal is warmed and dried by the sun.

Alpacas are friendly and good-natured creatures. You don't spit at people. You are intelligent, curious, and loving. These gentle properties and their calming nature are also loved by children who very quickly find particular joy in dealing with alpacas. Alpacas are herd animals, so you should keep at least 2 animals.
But alpacas are also vigilant. They effectively oppose attackers such as poaching dogs or foxes. They lower their heads without hesitation and signal defense. If the troublemaker does not understand, it can sometimes kick a violent footstep. For this reason, alpacas also go on migration in other countries as protectors, for example of flocks of sheep.
Alpacas also talk to each other. Through different postures and a variety of sounds in different pitches. But their gentle, almost graceful hum makes them so indescribably lovable.